How Does Tongue Tie Affect The Whole Body?
A lot of people think that being tongue tied is just a figure of speech. And while there is a figurative meaning, it also is a physical phenomenon.
Where is your tongue right now?
You may not be able to touch the roof all the way back, even if you push up hard. If that's the case, you may have a bit of extra tissue under your tongue that pulls it down, called a tongue tie.
Fun Moments in Therapy 3rd Edition
The photos and stories continue to pile up! More speech therapy fun for Ann and clients of Big Mouth Speech Therapy!
Fun Moments in Therapy 2nd Edition
More fun photos from Ann and clients of Big Mouth Speech Therapy!
Why Do People Grind Their Teeth?
People who do not breathe well when they sleep are much more likely to grind their teeth. But why?
White Coating on Baby’s Tongue
Some babies get thrush - a fungal infection on their tongues, that gets treated with antibiotics.
Fun Moments in Therapy 1st Edition
Various photos of Ann with clients of Big Mouth Speech Therapy, at various moments throughout the years. Enjoy!
Palatal Torus
Do you see the bony growth in the center of the roof of the mouth? It’s called a torus.